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ARC stands for Advanced Reader Copy. By joining Eliah's ARC team, you are accepting to leave an honest Amazon and Goodreads review on release day in exchange for a free Kindle copy of one of Eliah's new books! (Keep in mind that you have to have bought for at least 50$ in the past for Amazon to allow you to leave reviews) You will receive the book BEFORE release, therefore before EVERYONE ELSE. Readers who enjoy free copies but don't leave reviews on both platforms will be removed from the list for all upcoming releases. In order to make sure you remain on the list, we ask to be notified by email of the review once it is live! (Links) We unfortunately can't afford to have inactive users as we are limiting the amount of members in the ARC team and wish to leave room for readers who want to participate.
ARC readers are welcomed to point out any errors or typos that might've slipped past us!
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